Friday, August 7, 2009

Its not a watch........its a computer!

I have had this device for some weeks now, and although I wouldn't describe myself as a gadget guy, this is something I am very fond of.

Firstly, it was a gift from Isaac for Fathers Day, making it doubly special. That fella is already aware of a man's needs!

As I am doing a fair amount of running I have been able to justify the expense. Heart rate, distance, pace per kilometre, pace per kilometre, pace per lap. I could go on. It makes going for a run a far more exact exercise as sometimes I may want to average 5:50 per kilometre for 8km as an example. This is the 21st century, no need for guess work now, slap the COMPUTER on and away I go.

Has it made me a better runner.........not noticeably, but the true test will be on the SAFRA Singapore Bay half marathon on 16th August. Lina will be running the 10km event along with Debs and Knighto, who will kindly billet us for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Slight modification required in your text :

    Knighto will be running....walking....running...walking....running....crawling....the 10km.
