Saturday, August 22, 2009

Homemade Pizza

Home made food has become our family's culinary theme of the month. Earlier this month I shared the results of our caramel chocolate slice, which tasted as good as it looked.
Today was home made pizza. There were several unsuccessful attempts at the 1st stage of pizza base making which involves combining the yeast with blood temperature (37 degree celcius) water. We finally cracked it in time for a late Saturday lunch of pizza from scratch with home made tomato base, cheese, olives, sun dried tomato, and anchovies.

I'm not entirely sure whether the nicer taste is purely psychological ie. it is homemade so my mind thinks it should taste better therefore it does, but regardless, it did taste mighty fine.


  1. awesome!!it looks yummy!!
    you can order pizza at Bellacino's Pizza and Grinder and catch the offer Buy One Get One Pizza Free by using printable coupon at

  2. Looks delicious.

    Nothing like home cooked. It's those hunter gatherer instincts ....
