Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Latin American Film Festival

It is rare that a foreign film festival appears in Kuala Lumpur, particularly Spanish speaking films, so last weekend we took the opportunity and headed across the road to the Mid Valley cinema.

We saw 2 movies, Miranda Returns, the story of the revolutionary Venezuelan of the 19th century, and Cronicas, from Ecuador, about journalists entwined in a murder case. The Venezuelan film was over-everythinged – except budget, and was ultimately forgettable. Cronicas on the other hand was a very thoughtful and intelligent drama that explores the role of the media and how muddied journalistic ethics can become in the search for a story. This movie has a great pedigree, being produced by Guillermo Del Toro, director of the outstanding Pan’s Labyrinth and Alfonso Cuaron who made Y Tu Mama Tambien. Predictably, it’s classy work.

Incidentally, for lovers of the Tolkien movies, I heard that Del Toro has been chosen by Peter Jackson to direct the Hobbit. A very astute choice, any watchers of Pan’s Labyrinth would agree.


  1. Dude, if you get the chance, check out Time Crimes. It's Spanish I think.

  2. I heard on Fab F that it is very good. Such movies are very hard to get hold of up these parts.
