Thursday, April 30, 2009

Whats on the telly?

One noticeable change in our lifestyle since moving to KL is the decrease in television viewing. This is not due to all those research studies bandied about these days that tell us the box makes us dummer. The real reason is that the telly here is rubbish. Even the pay for view. Even the sports is ordinary as I have only a passing interest in the English Soccer which takes up the majority of sports coverage in Malaysia.

So our TV watching style has changed . We are now TV series DVD watchers and usually average a 1 hour episode each night. The most recent series completed is 'The Wire' Season 1. Given that they have completed season 5 in the States, that must make us 'late adopters' to coin a tech phrase.

'The Wire' is a crime drama set in Baltimore, USA. This was highly recommended by some English friends who have not put a foot wrong with their previous offerings, and so despite my low enthusiasm for crime drama (all have been disappointing since "Lets be careful out there".........the outstanding 'Hill Street Blues'. I blame it on force fed 'The Bill' when I was living in the UK), we ordered it at our local. Very good I must say. Despite only understanding every second word (it was a dialect of Street Baltimorese that I am not familiar with), it still kept me fixed. Afterall it is the mood and tone that really keeps us all interested whether it be a book, film or TV drama. It's a slow burner but by episode 4 its humming. Unlike other crime series, the bust is not completed conveniently within the 60 minutes less ads. And so the journey continues through 13 episodes, leaving us thankful that there are 4 more seasons to look forward to.
Our current series is 'Skins' - Season 1. A British drama following a group of 17 year old urbanites in London doing things every typical teenager does NOT do (I hope not anyway). Beverley Hills 90210 - British version THIS IS NOT. The lead from 'Slumdog' features in his acting debut and this is typically well written British fare.
We have watched the first 3 episodes of 'Flight of the Conchords' - Season 2. I watched this with some trepidation. To follow up the great 1st series, which afterall, was 10 years + in the making in little old Wellington, must have been a huge feat and I am pleased to say - I'm loving it so far. Its funny - sure there are no great songs like 'Business Socks', however the writing and creativity is still outstanding and there is still that sense of.......excuse the phrase please......keeping it real. Aoteoroa style!

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